Sunday, March 16, 2025

6th Cazadores Battalion 1811

These are the last of the Cazadores to be added to my expanded Portuguese forces. 

These fellows are from the 6th Battalion, and have yellow collars and cuffs, piped black. The figures are from Brigade Games. 

I made one omission on these troops, since corrected; they should have a bras plate on the black crossbelts on the chest. 

The 6th was based in Minho province, and quartered in Penafiel. 

With 24 Line Infantry units of 2 battalions, and 12 battalions of Cazadores, the Cazadores numbered roughly 1/5 of the Portuguese infantry. 


  1. Good looking Cacadores, Peter! If these are the last Cacadores, how many other battalions have mustered out before?

  2. Very nice indeed, great work on them, really nice miniatures as well. Your Portuguese army is certainly taking great shape.

  3. Lovely work again Peter. I too was wondering what the final total of Cacadore units completed is now.

  4. Another fine addition to your Portuguese army, Peter!

  5. Last but not least, very nicely done.

  6. Those will stand out nicely on table

  7. Fine looking troops there Peter:)!

  8. More great Cacadores, nice work Peter!
