Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Egyptian and Assyrian pieces from Acheson Creations

With the Portuguese army expansion already done, I have been working on some foamboard hills for my Waterloo game at HAVOC in a few weeks. I had original thought I would do that for my 3 Historicon Waterloo games last year, but ran out of time. There isn't much to show yet, but there will be in the next week or two. 

I am planning on running two different Chariot era games at Historicon this July, using the To the Strongest" rules by Simon Miller. While Acheson Creations sold off quite a bit of their extensive line of scenic items last year, there are still quite a few excellent pieces that remain, and they are still introducing some new items. Here are some I acquired this winter with a view towards those games. 

A set (? Set) of six smaller sphinxes; these are about 30 mm tall. 

These were found in several locations lining the approach to an important Temple. 

Assyrian Tree of Life; these panels are about 75 mm tall.

Nisroch, Assyrian god of Agriculture; about 65 mm tall.

Smaller Assyrian Winged Bull (I have two large ones already). 

Side view; about 35 mm tall. 

Celtic Steles.. perhaps suitable for the future Viking armies?  The stone pattern is from Scenic effects, purchased several years ago. I plan on using these to help build the walls of Nineveh. 


  1. Neat pieces! I could use some of these.

  2. They look great Peter. That winged bull reminds of one I saw in the British Museum.

  3. Adhesion had so many useful items. Nice to see them in the flesh.

  4. I just had a quick look at the Acheson site....some nice bits n pieces still available. Will look good in a game!

  5. Very nice and very handy pieces for dressing the table.

  6. Blogger is acting weird; I can Delete posts today, but not reply to them!

  7. Jon, they have quite a lot of neat items, and their prices are generally very fair!

  8. Lawrence, the Winged Bull is modeled on exactly that piece!

  9. Joe, they had a lot of great stuff. The molds and rights have been sold off for a lot of their items, but not all.

  10. Keith, exactly! I had thought they had ceased production but was pleasantly surprised to find them doing new items!

  11. Donnie,

    I plan a couple of very well dressed tables for Historicon!

  12. All those pieces will great on a tabletop.

  13. "the future Viking armies"? I must have missed that post.
