Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Spanish Generals, Grenadiers and Guerilla

A few odds and ends to share today...

Grenadier companies for the Irish (Irlandia) and Swiss (Redding) regiments posted earlier.

Gotta love the long bags or flammes on these enormous bearskins!

These are Three Armies figures - the owner kindly sent me a freebie pack of 6 grenadiers with my order for 72+ Line troops.

Not being one to let free lead go to waste, they have joined the ranks of my Spanish army.

Very nice sculpts indeed!

Another shot of the rear of the bearskins.

A trio of as yet un-based figures.

The front two are Brigade games, and the rear one is a spare Three Armies officer painted as a Brigadier. 

The female partisan wears a cast off jacket from an Irish regiment, and carries weapon worthy of "The Gun" (aka The Pride and the Passion")

The portly fellow is painted as a Major General. I haven't yet decide how to base these with some other command and Guerilla figures in the pipeline. 

"Perdóname cuando recorto mi bigote!"


  1. Beautiful, love the impressive grenadiers...

    1. Thanks, Phil. A couple more stands of Grenadiers in the works...

  2. All great looking figures. I really like the character and animation in all of these sculpts.

    1. The Paul Hicks sculpts are excellent in that regard, but the three armies officer is darned nice as well.

  3. Nothing 'odd' about these Peter, they are marvellous! Great painting, yet again.

    1. Thanks, James. I am really enjoying doing my Spanish army!

  4. Nice work, and the grenadier bags are definitely worth the extra bit of effort to really set the figures off.

  5. Love the grenadiers with their bags! I really like the command and is it the first of your guerillas?
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain. Yes, she is the first of the Guerrillas.

  6. Some fancy brushwork on the grenadiers' flammes. Turned out very nice.
    The portly Spanish officer from Brigade Games is one of my favorites. I have him in my collection. Terrific character.

    1. Thanks, Jon. "Don Gordo" is a favorite of mine as well!
