Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Mid 3rd Quarter, 2020; Quo vadis?

   Yes, I have been painting some Romans, and no, this post is not about the book or the film (opening scene above) of the sane name. Quo vadis literally means where are you marching to, or where are you going? Usually by mid August I have recovered from Historicon and am ready to consider where the end of the year will take me, hobby wise. This year of course, Historicon, like almost every other convention after Cold wars this past March, was a casualty of the damned Covid-19 pandemic, and any of the usual conventions this Fall seem more or less out of the question. Tim Couper from the UK and I are already planning to attend Historicon 2021, although even that us far from a sure thing at this point. Ergo, Quo Vadis, Petronius? (with simncere appologies to anyone out there who actually understand Latin grammar!)

    First of all, given the continued relative dearth of gaming, the accelerated assualt upon the famous Lead Pile is likely to continue through the end of 2020 at least. Napoleonics and Ancients have seen the bulk of the action thus far, with a smattering ECW unist for spice. The same trend is likely to continue, with the refurb and rebase project on Bill McHugh's Chariot Wars figures obtained, sadly from his estate,  last year being already well underway. Other possible additions would be some additional Renaissance troops, and making a start on muy small Darkest Africa/Congo project.

    Second, I have been doing quite a bit of Zoom gaming ()to be covered in a later post) with Tim Couper and David Knight (both located in Scotland), play testing a new set of rules for the Wars of the Roses and related conflicts that they have been working hard on developing. I expect that to continue for some time. My one attempt at hosting a Zoom game was less than successful when I discovered that the never used camera in my laptop was non functional. A webcam has been obtained, but I have yet to tackle setting it up. To the Strongest would appear to continue to be a good candidate for Zoom games.

    I hope to hold a small FTF socially distanced game or two, probably in the garage, in September/October if the Covid-19 pandemic remains pretty quiet here in Connecticut (after a very harrowing Spring, we have had among the lowest rates of Covid-19 in the US for several months now). That could change quickly, though, with the return of kids to school in various fashions happening soon.

    Certainly, some continued solo gaming remains a high probability. I continue to have quite a few rules sets that I want to try out, including FoB3 for the ECW, Grand Fleet Actions for the Age of Sail, and several Sci-Fi naval sets. Then there are Mark's 123 Napoleonics, General d' Armee, and Eagles Cheaper than Brain Cells on the Napoleonic front. Fionally, late in the year, some Congo scenarios might appear.

   On the professional level, I am slated to decrease my (nominal) office hours from 4.5 days to week (about 60 - 70 hours worked per week) as of October 1st. So what did I do?  I accepted a new job as Family Medicine Clerkship Director for our Network, starting October 1st! Am I dumb, or what, LOL! Actually, I've been teaching 3rd year medical students (as well as a few NP and now PA students) in my office since about 1985, and at one time or another have held appointments as an Associate Clinical Professor at 4 different medical schools - The University of Connecticut, Quinnipiac University, American University of the Caribbean, and the University of Vermont. The job entails supervising the 3rd year students clinical rotations (called clerkships in the odd terminology of medical education... don't ask me why!); making sure thety all have a place to go for training, overseeing the process and quality of experience, some formal teaching sessions, and doubtless other annoying duties that I will be learning too much about shortly, I fear !  :-) I will continue to teach individual students in our office, which is really a high point of my work life.

    Of course, as anno 2020 has so amply demonstrated, no plans ever survive the encounter with reality intact! I hope that all of you stay safe meanwhile!



  1. Sounds like you're very busy, Peter. Interesting, Ancients and Napoleonics are what I've been working on these past few month. Hope your gaming plans go off without a hitch too.

  2. Hi Peter! You are keeping a busy schedule. Taking a new job just when hours were about to be reduced sounds like madness. Are you maintaining your regular position as well as taking on this clerkship? I wish you well!

    Year-end painting counts will be interesting to see for 2020 just to quantify the dent you made in the Lead Pile. My summer painting has picked up over past years so my totals will interesting to capture too.

    1. Contemplating my schedule of games for Historicon 2019, Tim C said "He's a nutter!" :-) Yes, of course I will still be seeing patients in the office 4 days a week, seeing my own patients in the hospital and two nursing homes, teaching students in the office, supervising nurse practitioners and also serving as the administrative lead physician for my office. My contract has some many additional sections it's hard to keep track of them all, LOL!

    2. When do you sleep, eat, or even paint?

  3. You've certainly got enough to keep yourself going there Peter, and I'll look forward to more AARs. I hope the increased work doesn't cut into hobby time too much.

    1. Bored isn't something that happens to me! :-)
      Hopefully the added duties will be at least offset by the decrease in FTF patient care time.

  4. It is an interesting time, to be sure. We continue to play some small ftf here, although this week seems to be paint week. I will try to make some amusements for our slow burn campaign.

    1. Sounds good, Joe. One could certainly hope for a little less interesting times at present, eh?

  5. Hopefully you will get back to face to face gaming soon, and get all that new stuff 'blooded'

    1. Pretty much all of the new Austrians fought at Caldiero... perhaps that effected Karl's abysmal ,luck?

  6. As you may know, we has 102 days with zero Covid cases here in New Zealand - and now our largest city with 25% of the total population is partially locked down and travel in and out of it restricted to essential workers and freight because somehow, we got a new outbreak that so far we cant link to any known cases in managed you are obviously a medical man, you probably understand more about all this than I do - but its a very hard disease to control, for sure! Good luck with the new role!

    1. Yes, Ross, it is. It is an unusual combination of very highly infectious with a large number of persons having relatively minor to minimal symptoms so that they have no idea that they are infected, and thus can easily spread it to others, while others have severe Flue like symptoms, and then a portion of those develop severe respiratory failure requiring hospitalization, with a significant although decreasing proportion of those persons dying. Overall hospitalizations an death rates are probably going to wind up being about 10 times that of Influenza. That combined with no "herd immunity" and other factors are what have made this one so devastating. All of us in primary care have been well aware for decades that *something* like this was highly likely to happen, simply because it has so many times over the centuries, with the added factor of today's extreme mobility making confining an out break geographically even more challenging than in years past.

      In new Zealand, you have done the best job in the world to date of containing the virus. Hopefully your current recrudescence is limited (it is minute by US standards!) and short lived.

  7. Good luck with your Online wargaming and your new position.


  8. You wouldn't like it if you did less work, clearly! You've steamed through a lot of figures during the pandemic, it all becomes clear now that it was the newly painted Austrians fault for Karl's defeat, I'm sure his brother will be understanding!
    Best Iain

    1. I could definitely handle less work, and I do plan to cut back more in October 2021. The position in medical education is appealing, however. Hopefully it won't be too much hassle!

      Yes, I'm sure the Kaiser will be understanding. "More troops? Where do you expect me to get them from? Do you expect me to PAINT them?!"

      In fairness, the French had 10 units of recently painted infantry in Bicorne themselves...
