Monday, December 9, 2024

5th Portuguese Cacadores

I have had a small Portuguese contingent of Minifigs for 3 decades... long before I had British to go with them. Having finished by British army, I have found that I don't have nearly enough Portuguese  on several occasions - my two Talavera 1809 Snappy Nappy Campaign in a Day events, and again when I ran Fuentes de Onoro at the Fall "Historicon" in 2022. 

Both times I used my Minifigs Brunswickers to stand in for the extra needed Portuguese. Not the worst expedient, but I decided that I needed to augment my Portuguese force, and started acquiring the needed figures

I didn't want the figures to dwarf either my existing Minifgs Portuguese or my Old Glory British figures. A few years back, Brigade games in the Us acquired a range of Portuguese figures that looks like they would match my existing figures reasonably well in size.  It turns out these are Paul Hicks sculpts, but very different in style from the Spanish that he sculpted expressly for Brigade games. or his other Brigade games figures for that matter. 

This unit is painted wearing the earlier Cacadore uniform, anachronistically wearing the later "Stovepipe" style shako. Considering the difficulties of supplying units in the field, plausible least!

The earlier uniform for this unit had red collar and cuffs piped green, brown turnbacks piped green, and yellow braid on the chest. There will be quite a few more new units of Portuguese marching off the  in the coming months. This is in part spurred for the fact that it looks like Kevin and Mike will be  designing the 2025 Snappy Nappy Campaign ins Day event, and it will be set in the Penisnsula.  



  1. A Peninsular Snappy Nappy campaign sounds great. Lovely Portuguese Peter, and they look like they should blend in well with your Minifigs. Are they much taller?

    1. Haven't lined them up side by side but they do look like they would be taller.

  2. Lovely work, such a lovely uniform. Nice looking miniatures, never seen them before. Looking forward to seeing your Portuguese as they progress.

    1. Thank you, Donnie. I haven't seen these anywhere before either. Have 2 more units done, with another 6 infantry, 3 cavalry, some guns and command to come over time.

  3. Great looking unit. Definitely a blast from the past , the Cacadores.

    1. Probably the best of the Portuguese army, especially the first 6 units, although the line infantry became equal to the British or very nearly so by the later part of the Peninsular War.

  4. Very nice they are too Peter! I always meant to "go back" and "finish off" my Portuguese Napoleonics - specifically, I think I am two or three Cacadores units short - maybe something to consider in 2025?!

  5. Peter, never worry about mixing in old and new equipment in a unit. I still have a pair of boots from 1992!

    1. LOL! Absolutely. Regulations and the reality in the field were two very different things, especially on active campaign!

  6. They look brilliant. The mix looks just fine to me.

    1. Thank you, Richard. Many more of Wellington's "Fighting Cocks" to come, if all goes according to plan!

  7. I like these, excellent looking troops there!
