Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Scots Artillery and Swordsmen



The Old Glory pack of Scots Artillerymen has a huge 30 figures in it!

I painted about half of them earlier this year; this is the other half!

I probably now have more Scots ECW Artillery than I will ever need!

Still, I had 'em, so might as well paint 'em!

Obviously, they need some guns to serve.

Viola, here they are! I actually painted all of the ordonnance back when I did the first batch, so I had 3 extra guns. 

I will eventually need another 2-4 pieces so that every crew has a gun to serve!

I also made this small unit of Scots swordsmen. 

Once again, it was formed from spare figures. 

More Tartan practice!

Waste not, want not -spoken like a true Scotsman! :-)


  1. Bonny work, more is always better than less. Waiting to see what happens when these hit the table.

    1. Thank you, Joe. Perhaps a big battle with the Scots in 2025...

  2. They look grand indeed, a fair amount of artillery on show and your tartans look great, I must admit the OG figures look really nice.

  3. Those figures and the paint work is excellent.

  4. That is a lot of Scots you have now Peter. A very impressive gun line.

    1. One more unit of Scots to go, perhaps a few additional guns and an odd figure or two, and we can declare this Scots project done!

  5. Splendid looking Scots! They look great!
    Best Iain
