Friday, December 6, 2024

Marques Argyll's Regiment of Foote

Archibald Campbell was the 8th Earl of Argyll, later Marquess of Argyll, and the Chief of Clan Campbell (March 1607 – 27 May 1661).


He was the de facto head of Scotland's government during most of the conflict of the 1640s and 1650s, aka the Wars of the Three kingdoms.

As such, he was the main leader of the Covenanter movement that fought for the establishment of Presbyterianism in opposition to the preference of King Charles I.

He is often remembered as the principal antagonist to the the Royalist general, James Graham, more commonly known as the 1st Marques of Montrose, during the English Civil War.

A  flag of this general description is known to have been carried by his regiment at one point. 

The coats were painted with Deco Art Americana "Mississippi Mud"... pretty well approximating the color of dried mud!


  1. Lovely looking regiment, they have turned out really well, colour of the coats look great.

    1. Thanks, Donnie. The colors did come out a little muddy. :-)

  2. I'm thoroughly enjoying seeing your Scottish ECW additions Peter. Another fine-looking regiment.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Lawrence. We can thank the FK&P Scenario book for the motivation to paint up all these Scots! Of course, I have almost twice as much as I would need for that alone... but now Simon has additional rules and scenarios for the wars in Scotland, too!

  3. Looking forward to seeing your Scots in action.

    1. Yes the new laddies do need to make it to the tabletop!

  4. Great work once again on another Scots unit, Peter!

  5. Great looking Scots and flag, Peter!
