Thursday, August 31, 2023

More Medieval Knights - Essex figures

Here's another bunch of Knights from the collection of the late and lamented Bill McHugh. 

Once again, the brushwork is very good, especially the barding!

Softy metal lances look good but are bendy!

I just love the barding!

Here's the second group. 

The big metallic blob is supposed to be a great mace (the lance had broken off. Not that successful, but it doesn't stick out that much, I hope!

Look at the detail on the green barding in particular!

Very welcome additions indeed!


  1. The boarding does look great on these

  2. Yes, I agree with Mr Scott - very nice paint job on these again.

    1. I mounted these figures on 60 x 50 bases to protect the lances better than my usual 60 x 40; I am going to need some magnetic base bottoms that size as well to protect from damage in transport; I have lots of 60 x 20, 30, and 40's. .

  3. Good to see them gainfully employed.

    1. They should see a fair amount iof action as HYW troops!

  4. For what it's worth, if you want to replace the club, I've found that that figure looks good with a large axe, urging the men forward.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, David. They may come in useful next July! :-)

  6. Excellent looking knights, lovely barding and I'm with you on the bendy lances!
    Best Iain
