Thursday, September 19, 2024

Field of Battle - Hand of Cards variant ideas, and a solo play test


In thinking about Field of Battle (3rd edition), and Battle Command, I wanted to try a variant using the concepts of impetus and deck composition based upon Battle Command, but using a hand of cards concept based upon the optional rules in classic Piquet, and also a "Wild Card" in place of the options in Battle Command. 

Initiative as in Battle Command - C-in-C's roll their LD, High roll chooses to go first or second, won even = 2 initiative, won odd = 1 initiative, tie =  end turn, reshuffle. 

Sequence Decks (one of each):

Infantry Fire

Artillery Fire




Brilliant Commander


Tactical Advantage

Army Morale - no initiative cost to draw or ply IF there are no units in that army that are routed, destroyed or have involuntarily retreated off the table. 

[Any Special Card(s)] - no imitative cost to draw or play

When a card is turned, it MUST be played immediately if it is  not one of the bold faced "action cards".

Tactical Advantage (new definition)  is played immediately for 1 Impetus cost, but it can still be held and used at any time until the end of the turn, at no additional impetus cost; it does NOT count against the hand limit. 

Other non-action cards must be acted upon when played (Lull, Army Morale, any Special Cards).

The Hand of Cards:

According to the C-in-C's rating, they may hold a number of cards in their hand for later action:

Abysmal - none

Poor - 1 card

Average or Skilled - 2 cards

Exceptional - 3 cards

Playing cards and using the Hand

For each initiative point, a card may be played from the player's hand, or a card mat be drawn. If  a card is played from the hand, that uses up 1 impetus. 

When an action card is drawn, it is shown to all players; the C-in-C can then decide to either play it, or take it into their hand of cards, up to the limit for the C-in C's rating; this could include swapping the drawn card for one from the hand, which would then use up 1 impetus. . 

No more cards can be played or drawn than the number of impetus won (aside from cards that have no cost to turn/play). 


Lull card:  should the enemy seize the initiative, then they will have the same options as a normal won 1 initiative above. 

New Card definitions

Tactical Advantage:  This now allows a REROLL of any ONE die roll (by either side), EXCEPT an Army Morale check. 

Brilliant Commander:  This is a WILD card and allows each Command group to individually use it as any of the other 5 possible actions that they choose!

 Move: Routers MUST move when this card is turned, even if it is taken into the players  hand; in that case, the routers must move again when the card is actually played and acted upon. 

 To try this out, I set up a test game using my Danish and Swedish Napoleonic armies.  I chose them as they hadn't seen action in quite a while, where my Austrians and Rhine Confederation troops have seen a lot of action ion 2024. Many of my French, Russian, and Prussian troops have already been organized in to commands for the big Spring 1813 Campaign -n - a day event in a little over 2 weeks.  2024. 

To keep things simple for the test, all leader will be rated LD 10 on both sides. 


1st Brigade

1 Jager  DD 6 CD 12

2 Line  DD 6 CD 10

2nd Brigade

2 Line  DD 6  CD 10

1 6# Foot Battery  DD 6 CD 12

3rd Brigade

1 Jager  DD6 CD 12

2 Line  DD 6  Cd 10

4th Brigade

2 Line  DD 6  CD 10

1 6# Foot Battery  DD 6  CD 12

1st Cavalry Brigade

Light Dragoons DD 6 CD 10

Hussars  DD 8 CD 10

2nd Cavalry Brigade

Dragoons  DD 6 CD 12

Bosniaks (2 UI)DD6  CD 10

6# Horse Battery  DD6  CD 12

Reserve Brigade

King's Livjager's  DD 8  CD 12

Livgard til Fods  DD 8  CD 12

Danish Liv Regiment  DD 8 CD 12

Livgard til Hast  CD 8  DD 12

12# Foot Battery  DD 6  CD 12+1


1st Brigade

1 Jager  DD6  CD 12

2 Line  DD 6  CD 10

2nd Brigade

2 Line  DD 6  CD 10

1 6# Foot Battery  DD 6 CD 12

3rd Brigade

1 Jager  DD 6 CD 12

2 Line  DD 6 CD 10

4th Brigade

2 Line  DD 6  CD 10

1 6# Foot Battery  DD6  CD 12

1st Cavalry Brigade

Light Dragoons  DD 6  CD 10

Hussars  DD 8 CD 10

2nd Cavalry Brigade 

Dragoons  DD 6 CD 12

Light Dragoons (2 UI)  DD6  CD 10

6# Horse Battery  DD6  CD 12

Reserve Brigade

Russian Guard Jagers  DD 8  CD 12

Andrea Livgard  DD 8  CD 12

Life grenadiers  DD 8  CD 12

Cuirassiers  DD 8  CD 12

12# Foot Battery  DD 6  CD 12+1

Starting positions, Swedes near, Danes far. 

Swedish left

Swedish center

Swedish right

Danish left

Danish center

Danish right

The minor river takes 2 segments to cross, artillery may only cross at bridges. All hills, woods, and buildings are Class II terrain. The next post will start the recounting of the playtest...

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