Saturday, September 28, 2024

Standoff in Scandinavia, part 3


The Swedes have 2 impetus; they turn INFANTRY FIRE. 

Eagle's eye view of the battlefield, note all the "smoke", indicating "unloaded" units. 

The Swedes, however, decide to hold the card, and draw MELEE. 

In the battle of the small cavalry units, the Swedes are victorious! 

The Swedish Cuirassiers change the Livgard til Hast... routing them!

Next, the Swedes draw Artillery Fire, and act upon it immediately. 

Accurate shooting by the Swedes cripples the opposing Danish battery. 

Just managed that overhead shot!

More well aimed fire!

The Swedes win the LD roll off even for 1 impetus. Now they decide to play their INFANTRY FIRE card. 

An ineffective volley - the Swedish commander call for a do-over!

BAM!  The opposing Danes are routed with heavy losses!

With a "chicken" (Disorder) and two rocks (hits/Unit Integrity losses), it's not surprising this Swedish column's fire has little effect upon the opposing Danish footguards. 

"Ja , der powder gevetted ist!"

The damaged battery's fire disorders the Swedish battery, but causes no losses.  

Danish cannister empties many saddles in the Swedish Cuirassiers, but they hold firm. 

That's a hit, Sven!

Whilst the Danes have 1 card remaining (a critical INFANTRY FIRE card), the Swedes have no cards left, so the deck is shuffled, and the Infantry Firepower card is unused. Note that if the opposing Leadership die rolls for initiative are tied, that will also end the card, with the decks shuffled, and any unplayed or unused cards are lost! That concludes the first turn of the battle; both sides are running low on Army Morale points!

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