Sunday, September 22, 2024

Standoff in Scandinavia, part 1

For this variant, the small sequence deck mis in many ways similar to that used in Battle Command - each side has 9 cards. Additional cards could be added for arrival of reinforcements, unique events, weather changes, etc. The Special Event card here is used as the "wild card". 

As always, the action begins with both C-in-C's rolling their Leadership Die; to keep things simple, for this game every commander is rated as LD 10; ordinarily, they might vary form a low of D8 to a high of D12+1. Red dice will represent the Danes throughout this reports, whereas blue and sometimes yellow dice belong to the Swedes. The Danes have won the first initiative, and as their roll is EVEN, both sides will get 2 impetus. Having won the roll, the Danes opt to act first. This is pretty much as in Battle Command. The first of their 2 cards is ARTILLERY FIRE. With most batteries having little or no targets, the Danes take this card into their hand, hopefully to be used later. . 

The second Danish card is Tactical Advantage. This must be played, but as in FoB and Battle Command, it can be held and used at any time of the player's choosing, even when they do not have the initiative. The Danes hold the card, which does NOT count against their hand limit of 2 cards. 

The Danes still have one more impetus to use, and turn ARMY MORALE. With no units lost or routed, it does NOT cost an impetus to play. With no combat yet having occurred, no Leader Survival tests are needed, either.  

Thus, the Danes turn yet another card. This is MELEE, which allows most units to charge and imitate melee if they are within 1/2 move distance of the enemy; once again, no units would qualify, so this card is taken up into the Danish hand. 

The Danes turn LEADERSHIP. This cards allows units to rally off hits, recover from Disorder, and rally routers. Once again, with the game having just begun, there is little to do with this card, which does also allow units to change facing or formation, and allows leaders to move. Having reached their hand limit, the Danes MUST play one of the three cards. The choose to play the LEADERSHIP card, and the officers carefully inspect the formations of their troops. The initiative passes to the Swedes!

The first Swedish card is MOVE; this is pretty much a no brainer to act upon right now, which they do! 

A "Triple Magic Move" for this brigade of three Swedish battalions (won even, with a difference of 6+ pips). The "Magic" (won even roll) allows one segment to be used for changing facing or formation of the units of that brigade. This was not felt necessary here. . 

Positions after the advance. 

The Swedish cavalry roll a "1" - which means they cannot move, but instead consume their rations of Lutefisk. 

A "Double Magic Move" for this Swedish brigade

Post move positions. 

7 - 1; a Triple move, minus the magic. positions of the Swedish reserve after executing their advance.

Positions of the next brigade after a Double move (9 - 4). 

Last Swedish infantry brigade's positions after a single move (3 - 4). 

What is it with the Swedish cavalry this initiative. More Lutefisk to the front!

The second Swedish card is MELEE; with no possible use for the card at the moment, it is taken up into the Swedish hand. 

LEADERSHIP is turned; the Swedes decide to act upon this card now, even though there are no troops to rally. 

An attached Russian battery unlimbers to target some Danes across the shallow river. 

An attack column is formed for potential crossing of the flod

The left flank Swedish brigade changes facing to cross the river. This completes the first initiative for both sides. 

It's getting late, and Blogger has decided to insert all my photos in reverse order today, so we'll pick up the narrative again in the next post!

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