Sunday, September 29, 2024

Standoff in Scandinavia, part 4


The 2nd turn starts with the Swedes winning the roll off for 1 impetus; they act to go first and turn LEADERSHIP. 

With many units with UI losses ("hits") and/or disorder, they choose to act upon it right away. Each command group rolls its modified Leadership die type against the opponents D8; the LD can range from D8 to D12+1; for this game I made everyone LD 10 to keep things simple. The Swedish roll fails to beet the opposing D8, so no effect. 

If the modified LD roll exceeds that of the opponent's D8, Disorder will be recovered, and routed units will rally back to good order. 

The modified LD here is D6 because there is a modifier for rallying Routed units. If the modified LD roll is a "1", then no more rally attempts may be made by that commander, and the free change of facing or formation on the L:EADERSHIP card cannot be used by that command. 

If the modified LD roll exceeds the opponent's D8 by 3 or more, one UI ("hit"0 is regained for every 3 pips difference. Nothing here, though.  

No UI regained, but the Light Dragoons do rally from routed. 

Not having much luck with rallying!

Well,  that was a bust!

The initiative passes to the Danes, who turn ARTILLERY FIRE. 


And Nothin again!

and yet again!

Complete bust for the Danish card action as well!

Swedes win even, and opt to take their 2 impetus. 

The "Wild Card!"

Swedes take it into their hand, and turn ARTILLERY FIRE. 

They act upon it right away. All smoke, no action here!

The fire causes some Disorder, but no significant losses. 

No effect!

The roll would cause Disorder, but the target is already Disordered; a second Disorder has no effect. 

Next card is LULL, but the Danes fail to seize the initiative. 

The first Danish card is INFANTRY FIRE; they act upon it now. 

1 Ui and one Swedish Army Morale Point (AMP) lost. 

Swedish return fire is ineffective; hardy surprising with 3 UI loss and in Disorder... as bad as it can without being elimnated (4 UI loss of infantry and cavalry, 3 for Artillery). 

Danish fire is ineffective, but the Swedish fire is not. The Danes are forced back 4" (difference in die roll) in Disorder, take 1 UI, and lose one AMP. 

Danes are more effective here. 

Return fire causes them to become Disordered. 

No effect.

Target is already Disordered, so no effect here either. 

Same here. 

The second Danish card is MOVE, and they again chose to act now. Triple move, but no Magic!

The Norwegian Liv regiment moves to cover the battery. 

Double move, no magic. 

The Danes move up and volley fire at the Swedish battery to effect. 

Cavalry get a Double Magic Move... CHARGE!!!

Round 1 of melee between the Danish and Swedish Dragoons sees both fall in to disorder, with the Swedes having 1 pip on the Danes. 

Round 2 to the Danes; the Swedes retreat 4" with the loss of 1 UI and AMP. JHaving roled EVEN in the last round, the Danes can advance to "take the position". 

The Danish Hussars are defeated, and forced back 4" with the loss of 1 UI and 1 AMP. 

The last Danish command rolls a single move, and decides to stay put. 

1 comment:

  1. Just when one side seems to be gaining the upper hand they appear to be unable to capitalise. It still seems like either side could win.
