Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Scots Commanders, British Civil War/Wars of the Three Kingdoms


Left to right,. James Livingston, 1st Earl Callendar; Alexander Leslie, 1st Earl Leven, James Graham, 1st Marquess Montrose, Baron Audley (?)

Regardless of their designation, these figures will likely be sued as Generic commanders for my Scots Covenanters.

On the other hand, I see Simon has new rules supplement and scenarios for the ECW in Scotland, so perhaps Montrose will come into his own!

I still have another 4 regiments of Covenanter Foote to do some time...


  1. Very nice command figures, they work well whether you use them as generic officers or as their designation they are lovely little figures.

  2. Nice figures Peter, and I'm sure they will come in handy. I noticed Simon Miller's new supplement but have yet to purchase it.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence. I haven't purchased it yet either. Both are on the future acquisition list.

  3. Very nice Commanders especially the one in the bonnie blue bonnet

    1. Thank you, Gary. Not much chance of mistaking as anything but a Scot!

  4. Yes, the one in the bonnet is the favorite of the group. They are all distinguished enough chaps!
