Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Standoff in Scandinavia, Part 2


The Swedes turn TACTICAL ADVANTAGE; this card can be played at any time; it is now a reroll card rather then a simple UP 1 or DPWN 1 to any roll, potentially much more impactful. We will see. The Swedes hold the card (not technically in their "hand"). 

Swedes turn ARMY MORALE; this must be played, but with no troops yet in combat, and no lost or routed units, this card is is both "free" and without effect; thus another card is drawn in its place

Swedes tun LULL: this must be played, and the Danes attempt to seize the Imitative! 

If the Dames Leadership die for their C-in-C beats that of the Swedes, they get a "free" impetus point. That fails to happen here. 

The initiative passes to the Danes anyway, as the Swedes are out of impetus. They turn SPECIAL EFFECT (Wild Card). Each Danish Command individually can use this card as whatever they feel they need most. 

A Double Magic Move for the Infantry Brigade. 

The Cavalry rolled a single move; situation after both commands have acted. 

This Danish Brigade rolls a single magic move.

Situation after their move. 

Swedish infantry opportunity fires, causing one hit; there is no disorder as the Swedes rolled ODD. 

The Danes fire back, after taking into account the effects of the opp fire, but fail to have any significant effect. 

A triple Move (no magic) for the central Danish Reserve Brigade. 

The prior Danish Brigade now chooses to fire its "loaded" artillery, which it does to effect!

The Danish advance; Swedish opportunity fire is ineffective (being both disordered and with 1 hit didn't help!). 

The fire of the Danish Livgards til Fods is more effective, inflicting more damage on the Swedes, and forcing them back! 

Double Magic move, with an EVEN roll, the skirmishing Danish Jagers will ignore the usual move penalties for the Class II hill.

The combined opportunity fire of the Swedish battery and infantry just manages to be enough to through the Danes back a bit in Disorder, and with some losses. 

A single move for the infantry and their attached battery. 

Single move for the Cavalry and Horse Artillery. 

Situation thereafter. 

2 Danish regiments volley fire at the Russian Jagers, diving them back in Disorder with losses.

The second Danish card is a MOVE: they opt to act on it rather than exchanging it for one of the other two cards in their hand. 

Triple Magic Move for the Danish Cavalry and their Horse Artillery!

"Hold on a minute there, Hans!"Swedish Horse Artillery Opp fire forces their Danish counterparts back in Disorder with losses; this also prevents them from unlimbering! Meanwhile, the Danish Fynske Light Dragoons and the Bosniaks charge home into Melee!

First round between the Danish Light Dragoons and the Sweuish Smalands Lette Dragoner results in an 1 pip edge to the Danes; the Swedes are Disordered. 

2nd round is another 1 pip edge to the Danes; the Swedes are already Discorded, and the Danes rolled even so they keep good order. Note that the highest possible score is "12", not 13!

The 3rd round is different, and the Swedes are Routed with heavy losses, while the Danes maintain their cool and their Order. 

In the charge of 2 small units, the Bosniaks get the short end of the stick, but the Swedes are disordered (rolled odd). 

Double Magic Move!

An inefective Danish Volley... but wait; the Danish C-in-C plays his Tactical Advantage card to re-rol1 his D12. 

It works, and the Swedes suffer fairly heavy losses, but stand their ground in good order. 

Double Magic Move!

A missed opportunity when the skirmish fire of the Jagers fizzles. Wheres that TACTICAL ADVANTAGE card?  Oh yeah...

Single no frills move; the Danish Artillery opens up on the Svea Livgards, and causes heavy losses!

Situation after the move, and some more ineffective fire, this time by the Kings Livjagers. 

Single Magic Move. 

Situation thereafter. 

Single move.

The Danish infantry finds comfortable lodgings in the village, and decide to practice some hygge. The Cavalry are less sanguine, rolling a big fat 1. Uff da!  No move for you boys!  

Having finished that run of initiative, we'll break now until the next part! 


  1. The Danes seem to have had the better of it in movement, fire and melee, but the Swedes appear to be hanging in there.

  2. What a treat to see the armies on the table. We are to do a game using the same armies, versus Roger's Bavarian army. My compliments on this step through on the rules, it is just amazing how you lay out the components and troops.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Joe. Sounds like the upcoming game with Rodger's (semi) Bavarians versus the Scanian confederation should be quite some thing as well!

    2. Hopefully I remember to take some photos as we play. The game should be rather intense as well as colorful.
