Sunday, February 2, 2025

Portuguese Cavalry Regiment #10

The first of three new regiments of horsemen added to my Napoleonic Portuguese army!

While sometimes referred to as "Dragoons", in most documents the Portuguese mounted arm were simply referred to as regiments of Cavalry. 

This is the 10th or "Santarem" regiment, with light blue collars and cuffs piped in white. 

As with the infantry, the color of the piping on the front of the jacket and of the collars and cuffs, as well as the turnbacks, reflected the organizational Division to which the regiment belonged - red for the Southern, white for the Central, and yellow for the Northern Division.

Unlike the infantry, each cavalry regiment had 4 flags, one for each squadron, with a white field for the 1st squadron, red for the 2nd, yellow for the 3rd, and blue for the 4th. I have used scaled down Infantry regimental colors by Adolfo Ramos (15mm); these are pretty close to correct, but evidently the regimental designation would have been on a light blue scroll below the Arms of Portugal. Cravats were in the color of the cuffs. 


  1. Ah, yes, Portuguese cavalry - I must get some of that, one of these days! Are these Old Glory, Peter? You have done a nice job on them, whoever cast them for you.

    1. These are actually Foundry British Light Dragoons, painted as Portuguese. Perry does actual Portuguese cavalry sculpts, but I felt they would be far too large to mix with everything else in my Portuguese (and British) forces. .

  2. Good job, much needed allied cavalry after all those French.

    1. Thanks, Joe.

      "And the Balance of Power's maintained that way. Who's next, who's next... who's next!" (Tom Lehrer)

  3. Very nice work there Peter:). Interesting to see the trumpeter distinguised by a different colour helmet crest, rather than a reversed uniform, but do not know if this was still common during the Napoleonic Wars or not.

    1. Thanks, Steve. Yes, it was, in the Prussian, Austrian, Russian, and Saxon armies, for example.

  4. Lovely work Peter. Three units of these should be more than enough and cover most scenarios.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. With the original unit of Minifigs, I'll have 4 all together... should be more than enough!

  5. Nice addition to your Portuguese army, very well done, look forward to seeing the other two.

    1. Thank, Donnie; more coming as the month goes on!

  6. Brilliant work Peter. You really have production line working here.

  7. Lovely looking Portugese cavalry!
    Best Iain

  8. Look fine as British supplied uniforms and kit anyhow

    1. Yes, especially after the Government removed itself to Brazil for most of the Peninsular War!

  9. Another great Napoleonic cav unit, Peter!
