I wanted to do a solo playtest of my modification of Steve's "Eagles Cheaper than Brain Cells", itself related to Neil Thomas' One Hour Wargames. I rolled randomly for a scenario from OHW, and came up with #17, "Encounter". I decided to set the battle conceptually in 1813, with the French fighting the Prussians, and decided not to use any optional rules. I decided to use TWO commands per side, and rolled a D6 for each one, with the condition that none of the 4 forces could be the same; as per Steve's suggestions, I added 2 infantry units to each force. That resulted in the following:
Prussia 1st Corps - Von Kleist - Black dice, etc.
1. Infantry
2. Infantry
3. Infantry
4. Infantry
5. Infantry
6. Artillery
7. Artillery
8. Cavalry
Prussia 2nd Corps - Von Blucher - White dice, etc.
1. Infantry
2. Infantry
3. Infantry
4. Infantry
5. Infantry
6. Light Infantry
7. Cavalry
8. Cavalry
France I Corps - Victor - Blue dice, etc.
1. Infantry
2. Infantry
3. Infantry
4. Infantry
5. Infantry
6. Infantry
7. Light Infantry
8. Cavalry
France II Corps, Soult - Red dice, etc
1. Infantry
2. Infantry
3. Infantry
4. Infantry
5. Infantry
6. Infantry
7. Artillery
8. Cavalry
As per the OHW scenario, the game lasts 15 turns, and victory is achieved by having undisputed control of the hill. Failing that, if one side suffers obviously higher losses, the other side gains a minor victory. Each command can enter one unit per turn. The unit is determined by roll a D8 for each command at the start of the turn; that unit enters on the baseline anywhere on their half of the board. If they failed to enter a unit the previous turn, keep rolling until a valid unit is rolled that turn. Commanders enter with the first unit of each command.
I took pictures of turns 1-3, but I didn't realize that they failed to send, and deleted them. A brief summary of those turns first:
Turn 1:
A random roll determined that the Prussians would start the game with the initiative. On the first 2 turns there was no chance that there would not be enough orders available for all troops, and of course there was no chance that each Corps would fail to have 1 unit each arrive on the field! Blucher (white) rolled a 6, causing a light infantry unit to arrive, and it moved straight forward 4 boxes on a March move in Column. Kleist (black) rolled a 4, and entered 1 Infantry unit which Marched forward 3 boxes in column. Soult (red) and Victor (blue) both rolled 4's, and both entered a unit of infantry, both Marching forwards 3 boxes in Column. No combat was possible (out of range).
Turn 2:
Blucher rolled a 2, and another unit of Infantry entered, and Marched forward 3 boxes in column. His Light Infantry used a Maneuver order to change into line and move onto the Blutsberg hill. Kleist rolled a 2, and another Prussian infantry entered, Marching forwards 3 boxes in Column. His other infantry unit Marched forward another 3 boxes to occupy part of the Blutsberg on the other end of the hill. Soult rolled a 5 and entered another infantry unit which marched forward 3 boxes in column, Victor rolled a 1 and di the same. Soult's other infantry Maneuvered forwards 1 box and changed into line, while Victor's infantry continued the advance in column. The Prussian Light infantry took a Skirmish Fire potshot at the French but failed to hit (they needed a 5 or a 6; the French couldn't shoot because they only get 1 die for skirmish fire, and they lose a die shooting at Light Infantry).
Turn 3:
The Prussians retained the initiative, and none of the commanders rolled a "1" for Orders, and thus would have sufficient Orders for up to 3 units each, the most they could possibly use at this stage. Blucher rolled a 4 for reinforcements, entering another infantry unit which again Marched forward 3 boxes in column; his other infantry Maneuvered onto the ridge and into line, alongside the Light Infantry, which stood it's ground (also meaning that it could use the held Order for other things later in the turn). Von Kleist, though, rolled another 2, and thus with unit #2 already having entered, received no reinforcements this tun. Ouch! He maneuvered the unit on the ridge into line and moved his other unit forward 2 boxes in Column (had it moved 3 boxes on a March move, it would have been unable to Fire. Soult rolled a 1 and Victor a 3, resulting in each receiving another infantry unit, each of which again Marched forward 3 boxes in Column. Soult's other infantry formed into a firing line at the base of the ridge. Victor, though, Maneuvered the most advanced of his units into Line right in front of the advancing Prussians in Column, hoping to take advantage of favorable modifiers I(as well as the potential that his forces would soon outnumber Kleist's!). His third unit Maneuvered up to the base of the hill and formed line. Some shots were exchanged and damage suffered by both sides.
Turn 4:
The first picture is also the situation at the end of Turn 3.
Start of Turn 4; Prussians retain the initiative, Soult rolls 6+1 =7 Orders, but Victor only rolls 1+1 = 2 Orders. "Tough luck, that!" observes Kleist, not meaning a bit of it due to his failure to receive reinforcements last turn, Turnabout is fair play, and all that! Kleist and Blucher both roll sufficient Orders for all of their troops. The colored discs indicate that that unit has received an Order. Soult receives yet another infantry unit as reinforcements (lower left of photo), but Victor rolls a 4, resulting in no additional troops. "Couldn't happen to a nicer chap", observes Kleist dryly. Of course, with only 2 Orders, Victor would have been hard pressed to utilize a newly arriving unit anyway. Blucher rolled a 4 resulting in no reinforcements there, but Kleist (who is guaranteed reinforcements this turn, not having gotten any, rolls an 8, and some Prussian Dragoons make their appearance on the field!
Turn 4, situation after Prussian Orders have been carried out. Kleist's infantry can turn up to 90 degrees at the start of an Assault move, which they do. This potentially leaves their flank open, but Kleist figures his flank charge will defeat the French, and he will thus occupy their box, keeping his men safe this turn.
Infantry roll 1 die for each remaining SP (both units had suffered losses from prior shooting); the Prussians get an extra die for attacking a flank. Infantry hit on 4,5,6. Thus the French take 2 hits and the Prussians 1.
Aftermath of the Assault - French, having suffered greater losses are pushed back the difference in hits (1 box); the victorious Prussians can either move forward 1 box or change facing; they do the later!
Situation after the French execute their Orders.
The Prussians, having the Initiative do their (non-artillery Bombardment) first. Fire is not simultaneous, any losses inflicted buy the Prussians will occur before the French can fire back. However, losses do NOT effect Infantry or Artillery fire, and a unit is not removed from play until the end of the turn, so even "dead" units will get a final shot. Note that Artillery Bombardment, which is an Order, is resolved during the Orders phase (a good way to soften up the target of an Assault!). Finally, if the fire of a single infantry unit causes 3 (or more) losses, the target is immediately forced back 1 box, and that WILL take effect before they can fire back, if applicable. Once again, a 4, 5, or 6 is a hit for Infantry Fire (but only a 5 or a 6 for Light Infantry). Thus, left to right, the Prussian fire inflicted 1 hit (Over 1 box range, so just the single "Skirmish Fire" die), 2 hits, no hits, and 1 hit. The dials track the SP remaining.
The French return fire, again, left to right, scoring 2 hits (Column loses a die), 2 hits (Line rolls 3 dice, added one for using an otherw2ise unused Order as a bonus, but lost 1 die for shooting at Light Infantry), 1 hit, none and none (skirmish Fire by the last 2 units).
Situation at the end of Turn 4; the Prussian Light Infantry, which had suffered losses earlier, and have only 5 SP to begin with, have been eliminated! "Scheiss!" mutters Blucher.
Turn 5:
The French seize the initiative (D6 vs D6, must win by 2 to flip)!
Soult gets 4 Orders this turn, and Victor, 3. Soult gets yet another infantry unit as reinforcements, whilst Victor gets a much needed French Cavalry unit (just out of the picture at far left). Kleist again rolls a unit that has already entered, so no reinforcements for him this turn, and adding insult to injury, only 3 Orders for his 4 units on the table. Blucher rolls another infantry unit as reinforcements, but only 2 Orders this turn; a bad moment for the Prussians for sure!
Situation after execution of the French Orders (the French Lancers Marched 4 boxes onto the table, and a French regiment has Maneuvered onto the flank of Blucher and his accompanying Infantry). ).
French Column Assaults some Silesian Landwehr (count the same as everyone else for this game!). The Prussians use a Order marker to fire back at the attacking French, scoring 1 hit.
French Assault falters, shaken but the Prussian fire, perhaps? Prussians score 3 hits to the French 2; the French are thus pushed back 1 box... back to where they started!
Situation after the resolution of the Assault.
Prussians execute their orders, including a charge (Assault) by the Prussian Dragoons upon the newly arrived French Chevaux-Leger Lanciers! Kleist's outflanked infantry have Maneuvered their way out of severe danger, and Blucher's infantry have in turn maneuvered onto the flank of the offending French!
Cavalry hit on a 3, 4, 5, or 6 in Melee; thus the French scored 4 hits (nearly eliminating the Prussians, as cavalry have only 5 SP's), to a mere 2 for the Dragoons; they are repulsed and pushed back 2 boxes as a result.
French firing - 2 hits on the Prussian column, and 1 hit (Skirmish Fire bolstered by an unused Order) on Kleist's infantry.
The French volley mows down 2 Prussian SP.
Fire by von Kleist's men - q skirmish fire hit of the French Lancers, and an augmented skirmish fire hit on the French line.
Blucher's men fire - they can manage but a single hit on 5 dice. "HimmelHerrGottKreuzMillionenDonnerwetter!" swears "Marshal Vorwarts"! His column manages a respectable 1 hit on 2 dice.
The unsettled situation at the end of Turn 5.
Interesting. What do you think of it compared to say Snappy Nappy ?
ReplyDeleteQuite different rules for different purposes, really. These play faster than SN, but are more abstract.
DeleteGreat looking game so far Peter and hard to pick who has the uper hand at this stage....
ReplyDeleteA nice summary of the rules sprinkled through the AAR Peter. They do seem like quick play, and nice to see another use for the TtS cloth.
ReplyDeleteA riveting AAR so far, Peter! Really making me want to break out the Eagles rules and Naps again. And your table looks really good. Hard to tell it's gridded! Can't wait for the next installment!