Thursday, February 13, 2025

Portuguese Napoleonic Command

Some command stands, etc., for my Portuguese Napoleonic Army. 

Figures came from some "spares" from the Brigade Games Portuguese Infantry, some mounted Colonels from Brigade Games, a couple of spare Minifigs Cavalry, and some officers in Bicornes from the Foundry British Light Dragoon Command sets. 
One must make sure the men are well lead!

I especially like the Sapper!

Forward, lads!


  1. Excellent work Peter! Very fitting command units :)

  2. Nice stuff Peter....I can still easily spot the Minifigs ones!

  3. Great work on those Peter and always a good use of spare figures:).

  4. Well, the troops certainly will be commanded by some spiffy commanders. Your Peninsular campaigns will be shown in style . I like the fact the ranges complement each other so well.,

  5. Excellent and got to love a chap in butchers apron with a large axe :-)

  6. Nice command stands, they look great, the figures all work well with each other.

  7. Lovely work Peter, and you don't see many Portuguese sappers included in collections. A great touch.
