Saturday, February 8, 2025

Portuguese Cavalry Regiment #2

The 2nd regiment carried the designation "Moura". 

The jacket had white collars and cuffs, with red piping and turnbacks. 

Trumpeters had yellow lace on the seams of their jackets, and it seems the trumpet cords were in mixed colors corresponding to the collar and piping colors, so red and white for the 2nd. 

The red crest for the trumpeter is shown in the book "Napoleon's War in Spain", by Lachouque, Tranie, and Carmigiani. I have not seen it elsewhere, so it may be an error, although it would be in keeping with the German fashion of the the time for trumpeters. Still, it was too tasty a bit of bling for me to resist!

The figures are Foundry early British Light Dragoons, so not entirely correct for the Portuguese Cavalry in all details, but close enough! 


  1. More Tarleton equipment! Never a bad look. Great additions for your Portuguese.

    1. Thanks, Joe; good practice for the AWI, too! :-)

  2. Another lovely addition to your Portuguese cavalry, they look great and I too would go with the red crest, far too good to ignore!

  3. I definitely agree re the musician's crest - and I like the idea of using Perry British Light Dragoons - I had considered that option myself - maybe I will go ahead and follow your lead?!

    1. Thanks, Keith; these *Foundry* British Light Dragoons (still Perry sculpts, I believe); The Perry's make a very fine dedicated Portuguese range, including the Cavalry in exactly the correct uniforms. The reason I didn't use them was the enormous size differential between my old Minifgs and my Old Glory British.

  4. You know? I "found" couple of boxes of Portuguese infantry not to long ago. Was thinking of getting rid of them, but seeing your cavalry, maybe pair them with some cavalry, and artillery, and some generals. This is how I got to 800 Bavarians. Good work Peter!

    1. 800 Bavarians! I knew you had a lot, but that's larger than my enire British army, LOL! You don't really have to add too much in the way of Cavalry, Artillery, and Command to that infantry to make a very good force!

  5. Excellent painting, they look great.

  6. A fine-looking unit Peter, and I like the red crest on the trumpeter.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence. The trumpeter is one of those "if it isn't correct, it should be!" things. :-)

  7. Another excellent unit and the 'bling' of the trumpeter's crest would be hard for me to resist too! Tarleton helmets always look great IMHO.

    1. Even Wellington was a fan of the Tarleton, and complained when the British Light Dragoons converted to shakos! :-)
