Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Macedonian Phalanx Mávros

Yet another Macesdonian phalanx stands up from the painting table.

This one is the  μαύρος (Mávros) phalanx. 

Once again, Mávros simply means "black".

The rear ranks of this phalanx are by a different manufacturer, but I have no idea which one. 
Any ideas, guys? 

I free painted the black design on the front rank's shields, but used the 16 similar Little Big men studios shield transfers for the 16 figures in the 2nd and 3rd rank. This time they actually went on very easily, now that I understood how to do them! Thanks, Edgar, who provided the transfers as well as the lead. as part of the original purchase at bargain basement pricing. 

Anyway, the rear rankers have some interesting figures - one drinking from a canteen, one wiping his brow, another pointing. For my British readers, that's rankers, not wankers. Although come to think about it, the way they're holding those pikes...


  1. The rear ranks are from Wargames Foundry.

  2. Like the chap wetting his palet.
    Thirsty work carrying bloody great pointy pole :-)

  3. Lovely job Peter, and you have centered those LBMS decals expertly. Not always easy to do!

    1. Thank you, Lawrence. I found them MUCH easier to do this time than the first time, when they drove me nearly to insanity! :-)

  4. Good looking massive block of pikemen, Peter. Which CC red did you use?

    1. Thanks, Jon. This one is CC Fire Red for tunics. the

    2. How is the opacity of Fire Red? I recall trying it a long time ago and found it did not cover very well. Maybe I had a bad bottle?

    3. I found it to have good opacity - better than Valejo flat red. If you're going to paint it over black or navy blue, you're probably going to need a second coat or prepaint the area white to get a bright red hue. Nothing surprising there.

  5. These look very good Peter. Love the Macedonians army and yours look excellent.

    1. Thanks, Carlo. I'd say its finally coming along several years after acquiring the large lead bonanza!

  6. Nice work and some great poses to add some interest :)

  7. Splendid looking bunch of rankers ! Lovely figures and a lovely finish! Both kinds of shields have come out really well!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain. I was happy with how they came out. I think I have enough figures for one more Phalanx still...

  8. More great work...these troops "rank" as highly as any in Greece (with apologies to the Monty Python team)!
